

“Fear or Faith?”

Categories: Shepherd's Corner

He said to them “Where is your faith?

Luke 8:25


We often begin the journey of faith serving God confidently and enthusiastically - and then troubles come and doubts arise. Sometimes our circumstance can look utterly hopeless, but we never know the reality of our situation until we have sought our Lords’ perspective on it. He knows many things we don’t, and He has power that we can’t begin to imagine.  We should not be discouraged or afraid when Christ is right next to us to calm, to reassure, to act, and to graciously remind us that, despite our circumstances, we are still in God’s care.


Difficulties don’t necessarily mean that we have missed or misunderstood God’s will, but if we need to make adjustments in our lives, He will let us know through His word.  Remember the disciples being surprised by a storm as they sailed on the Sea of Galilee?  Our Lord Jesus told them to head across the lake (God’s will) - and then came the storm (difficulties).  Jesus was in the boat right next to the disciples and He exercised a power we can’t begin to imagine.  Jesus rebuked the wind and waves!  The measure of your faith is revealed during life’s storms. Establishing your life on God’s Word and walking through life with Him brings a security nothing can shake. Which will you choose… fear or faith?