


Shepherd's Corner

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God is Sovereign

Friday, October 12, 2018

Can you image us living in the wilderness for forty years the with people of Israel? Can you imagine being there when God told them to go in and take the land?  Their lives were abruptly changed from a combination of wandering and stopping to one of focused warfare. Those who moved the tabernacle were moved into action. Skills related to traveling and warfare now become more important as skills related to setting up a camp were put on the back shelf.  Some of them had to face fears and responsibilities that they may have been avoiding.  Others found they were needed as never before, using strengths and talents they hadn’t previously known or used.

When changes in our circumstances occur, we may feel blindsided and unprepared. But God is sovereign. A change in our circumstances is not surpraise to God. When we walk with Him, we are not unprepared. We may have to employ previously unused skills and call on strengths we’re not sure we have. We are prepared, even if we don’t feel it.

Our Lord gave the children of Israel only three days to prepare their provisons, and He knew they were ready to go. If God gives us a challenge that seems impossible, it’s because He knows we’re ready to go too!

Joshua commanded the officers of the people, “Pass through the midst of the camp and command the people, ‘Prepare your provisions, for within three days you are to pass over this Jordan to go in to take possession of the land that the Lord your God is giving you to possess.’” (Joshua 1:10-11)


Fear or Faith?

Friday, October 05, 2018

He said to them “Where is your faith?

Luke 8:25


We often begin the journey of faith serving God confidently and enthusiastically - and then troubles come and doubts arise. Sometimes our circumstance can look utterly hopeless, but we never know the reality of our situation until we have sought our Lords’ perspective on it. He knows many things we don’t, and He has power that we can’t begin to imagine.  We should not be discouraged or afraid when Christ is right next to us to calm, to reassure, to act, and to graciously remind us that, despite our circumstances, we are still in God’s care.


Difficulties don’t necessarily mean that we have missed or misunderstood God’s will, but if we need to make adjustments in our lives, He will let us know through His word.  Remember the disciples being surprised by a storm as they sailed on the Sea of Galilee?  Our Lord Jesus told them to head across the lake (God’s will) - and then came the storm (difficulties).  Jesus was in the boat right next to the disciples and He exercised a power we can’t begin to imagine.  Jesus rebuked the wind and waves!  The measure of your faith is revealed during life’s storms. Establishing your life on God’s Word and walking through life with Him brings a security nothing can shake. Which will you choose… fear or faith?

From Song of Solomon

Friday, September 21, 2018

When we love someone, that relationship helps define who we are. As we reciprocate God’s love for us, for instance, we gain an identity as His people. Furthermore, our love for God enables us to love others. 

The Song of Solomon celebrates both our ability to love our spouse and the beautiful gift from God that is marital love. After all, God designed man and woman to enjoy a divinely created dimension of intimacy. When we experience romantic love as God intended, we find joy. 


Love, for spouse, children, or God is meant to be given completely as well as thoroughly enjoyed. The speakers in these songs are celebrating each other’s love. We see in their song that love is not passive but active and vigorous. 

Love is characterized by action more than affection.  Love also sees others in the best possible way.


How precious it is to be viewed by another through eyes of love! That is how we ought to view our spouse, and that is how God sees us. He looks upon us through forgiving eyes of unfailing love. We too can say, “He is mine, and I am His!”  Song of Solomon 2:16


Boldness from Christ

Friday, July 27, 2018

Early one morning while reading and drinking coffee, the verse Matthew 26: 75 reminded me about "seeing one's true self". “Peter remembered the word which Jesus had said, "Before a rooster crows, you will deny me three times." And he went out and wept bitterly.” 

When Jesus his apostles walked to the Mount of Olives, Jesus told them that was the night the Shepherd would be struck down. He also spoke of meeting them in Galilee after the resurrection, but that comment seems muffled by Peter's bold assertion.  With great confidence, Peter announced, “I will never be made to stumble” (Matt 26:33). Jesus calmly reassured his well-intentioned friend that, as a matter of fact, before morning Peter would deny knowing Him, and would do so three times. With even greater conviction, Peter proclaimed, “Even if I have to die with you,  I will not deny you!” (vs 35).

Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves. He understands our natural weakness but also recognizes where we can find strength: in Him and Him alone.  Self-reliance will always get us into trouble, for we simply don’t always have the ability to do what we should. As a result, our limitations are revealed so we must learn to find our strength in God and God alone. As long as our confidence is based on ourselves, we will inevitably fail. Therefore, Our boldness must come from Christ!


First or Last Resort?

Thursday, May 10, 2018

“Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help. Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the Lord his God” Ps. 146:3, 5

When the bottom falls out the market, do you call your stockbroker right away? When the pink slip has your name on it, do you open the Yellow Pages for “headhunters” instead of opening Scripture? When you’re in a jam, do you immediately call a friend? When heavy traffic is going to make you miss your flight, do you swear instead of pray?

Is God too often your last resort?

Our temptation and human tendency is to turn to people in our time of need rather to the One who is truly able to help us in any situation. Unlike human beings, God is not limited by time or space, power or knowledge, busyness or self-interest. The psalmist knew “there is no help” in princes and human beings. Ask God to do His work in our hearts so we will turn first to Him in confidence and trust, ready to accept is a solution, His timing, His love, and His perfect plan for us.

Who will you turn to first? 


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