


Shepherd's Corner

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God's Ways

Friday, May 24, 2019

Have you ever been told God’s ways are not our ways? I was told this a lot by my grandparents and parents and they expressed this with compassion and conviction.  I remember listening to my grandmother who lived next door us read this scripture to me all the time: 

 “Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name” Psa. 86:11

God’s ways are not our ways, and a brief overview of the gospel offers a powerful case and point.

The Almighty‘s only Son left His throne and took on flesh. He came to serve - and He did so in a miraculous, meek, and humble way. Our Lord healed people of their infirmities: when HE spoke the word or touched the broken body, the lame walked, the blind saw, and the deaf heard. He forgave sin and taught us the fulfilled law of God. “You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also” Matt. 5:38-39.  Sometimes this is very hard to do but, our Lord submitted to death on the cross after a completely illegal and unfair trial by both Romans and Jews. He modeled sacrificial love in the ultimate way as He died to atone for our sins.

God’s ways are not our ways, are they? Who would have imagined such a gift, such an act of amazing grace on our behalf? Our God is not a sinful, self-centered human being. We don’t think like He does. We must allow God to open our hearts to receive His truth, and then He must teach us His ways if we are to live by them.

May the psalmist’s prayers be ours: “Make me to know your ways, O Lord: teach me your paths. Teach me Your way, Unite my heart to fear  Your name”.

A Gauge of Love

Friday, May 10, 2019

You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. (Deu. 6:5)

 Have any of you ever asked God “What do you want of me?”  Let’s take a look at this question together.  What is it that God really wants from us? We have a Bible filled with the Lords commands, kingdom principles, and specific instructions for godly living.  These descriptions can be daunting at times and challenging!  It’s a good thing that God has summarized His law in a single verse: each of us is to love God with all our hearts, all our soul, and all our might.  Amen!

 God wants far more that external conformity to His laws. Our Father and God seeks enthusiastic obedience as a response of love for Him, not obedience stemming from a sense of duty or obligation.  So, as God’s children, flee from anything that draws us away from loving our heavenly father. Beware if your heart is comfortable living in sin and remember that the closer you are to God; the more detestable evil will be. Put yourself in places where you can know God better, because to know Him is to love Him.

 When we know God, we realize that a love relationship with God truly is His desire for our life. Obedience to His law is a simple a gauge of our love.  However, obedience is not God’s only goal for us. He wants our heart, not some sense of obligatory submission. Our Lord wants us to enjoy our time with Him. He wants us to love Him.

 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. (1John 5:3)


When a Loved One Sins

Friday, May 03, 2019

“But his sons (Samuel’s) did not walk in his ways; they turned aside after dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice.” - 1Samuel 8:3

We all have loved ones and people that we care about who have taken a different path; a path of SIN.  This cuts to the core and then some because we know what their outcome will be if they do not change direction. Eli was a priest and leader in ancient Israel. God chose him to mentor Israel’s great prophet Samuel. However, he also had loved ones that took the wrong path. Walking the correct path is a choice. Our free will was given in the beginning in the Garden of Eden. “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”” - Gen 2. 16-17

It’s hard for us when a loved one sins, especially members of our own family (personal or church).  In our loyalty, we sometimes either overlook sinful behavior or try to justify it. Sometimes our own moral code gets compromised. When we do this, we not only injure ourselves spiritually but take ourselves out of the place where we can be effective in helping them.  We may say we don’t want to judgmental or unloving and want to keep the relationship. Or we may let go of our fear and love for God and turn to tolerance. Neither of these paths is a godly one.

We are strongly challenged to stay strong when a loved one falls away, especially when they self-identify as believers with a “slightly different” theology or “progressive views” on a matter. We are always to love but He tells us to pray as well!  Pray without ceasing.  This is where we find our peace, receive our wisdom for the situation, and can be effective in changing things.

It’s heartbreaking and painful to live in this kind of a circumstance, but God has strength and wisdom for it. He can also change things if we take our hands off, pray with faith, and love as He directs.  This is a hard one but, God’s Word gives us the strength we need to endure and teaches us how to pray for the situation. We can be assured that in Him we can be at peace knowing that He has things in His hands always.


Judged and Restored

Friday, December 14, 2018

When there is a change in the weather, two things can happen: you get sleepy or you can become very restless. In my case this rainy Friday morning, I was up early, drinking a cup of coffee and mediating on God’s word in the book of Ezekiel.

 The prophet Ezekiel confronted the people of Israel and he confronts us with the reality of sin’s devastating power. He also offers words of hope about the restoration God will bring to those who experience His judgement. After all, God does not hold a grudge or punish unfairly. God is just and will deal with sin, but He also provides the opportunity for every person to repent and find life. Once we have repented of our sin, He will act as our Advocate and Protector.

 We read about this in Ezekiel 34:22. God will hold us accountable for our sin, but He will also bless and protect. Just as a shepherd evaluates his sheep and judges which to breed, sell, or butcher; the Lord will determine those who are His and which sheep needs care, judgment, or blessing.

Sometimes we forget and think of ourselves as more noble than mere sheep. But that’s exactly what we are. We are vulnerable and easily led astray. Thankfully we have a Good Shepherd who knows how to safely guides us.

“I will save My flock, and they shall no longer be a prey; and I will judge between sheep and sheep. (Ezekiel 34:22)


Our Lord's Delight

Friday, December 07, 2018

We all know to one degree or another what it is like to be forsaken and alone. You may be in such a place right now but, even if you’re not, hear the good news that the prophet Isaiah has for us.

“You shall no more be termed forsaken, and your land shall no more be termed desolate … for the Lord delights in you.” (Isa. 62:4)

Almighty God Takes Pleasure in Us: Our holy, infinitely loving, all-powerful God takes pleasure in us, one of His less than holy, inconsistently loving, and weak creatures. Despite the quantum differences between us and our heavenly Father, He delights in us.

God Enjoys His Fellowship with Us. God communes with the angels and saints already in heaven yet finds joy in relating to us!

God Delights in the Glory We Bring Him: We bring God glory when we share His love, worship Him, repent, serve … and the lists goes on.

Although God needs nothing, He is pleased to receive our obedience, worship, and praise. In what ways is God receiving our obedience? His Spirit will show us.  What worship and praise can we offer Him this day, this minute even?

Let us spend time with the One who delights in us; our God and Father.  Amen!


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