

“The Wisdom to Celebrate”

Categories: Shepherd's Corner

“All the days of the afflicted are evil, but he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast.” Proverbs 15:15

Our Christian life is a cause for celebration, but sometimes we don’t feel much like celebrating. If fact, when the weight of the world seems to bear down upon our shoulders, a celebration may be the last thing on our minds . . . but it shouldn’t be. As God’s children, we are all blessed beyond measure on good days and bad. This day is a non-renewable resource - once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. We should give thanks for this day while using it for the glory of God!

 Let us ponder these thoughts; What will be your attitude today? Will you be fearful, angry, bored, or worried? Will you be cynical, bitter or pessimistic? If so, God wants to have a little talk with you.

 God created us in His own image, (Gen.1:26) and He wants us to experience joy and abundance. However, God will not force His joy upon us; we must claim it for ourselves. Today, and every day thereafter, let us celebrate the life that God has given us. Think optimistically about yourself and your future. Give thanks to the One who gives us everything, and trust in your heart that He wants to give us so much more.

 Let us pray for an attitude that pleases our Lord. In every circumstance, we will strive to celebrate the life He has given us, and we will praise God for His priceless gifts. Amen!