

“A Full Time Job”

Categories: Shepherd's Corner

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1)

Herding sheep in David's time was hard work. There was nothing romantic about the night shift. Shepherds did not relax on balmy evenings under the twinkling stars. They braved numbingly cold nights and worked hard to protect their sheep from predators. Night and day, they were never passive toward their flock. Shepherds had to lead, tend, feed, protect, and nurture the animals in their care. They provided everything necessary for their flock’s safety and well-being. To appreciate the size of this challenge, remember that sheep are fearful, defenseless animals. They will drink from any body of water that they stumble upon - dirty or clean. They will not lie down unless they feel entirely secure. Sheep are susceptible to certain diseases. Indeed, sheep need lots of care.

The Bible tells us we are like sheep. On our own, we are defenseless against the power of sin and death. Without guidance, we will drink from any source of information and entertainment. We look everywhere for security, and we're vulnerable to diseases of our spirt, our emotions, and our mind. We, too, need a lot of care. I thank God for appointing Jesus to be our Good Shepherd.